Who We Are
Sierra Madre Community Foundation (SMCF) is a charity singularly devoted to Sierra Madre. SMCF solicits donations to enhance our community by making direct grants, both large and small, to worthy people and organizations that might otherwise be overlooked and also assists other community groups in collecting and distributing funds for programs which help make Sierra Madre the unique community that it is.
The Sierra Madre Community Foundation does the following:
Provides, through its Grants Program, funding to grant applicants for projects that will benefit the Sierra Madre Community as a whole or a segment of the community. Examples include, but are not limited to, funding for the Creative Arts Group’s grade school art program for Sierra Madre School students, Memorial and Sierra Vista Park’s picnic bench rehabilitation, Sierra Madre Pool Family Night, Sierra Madre Public Library’s Children’s Essay Contest and One Book One City events, and Sierra Madre School Library eBooks purchase.
Makes long-term investments in community assets through major grants (more than $2,500). Examples include contributions to the Sierra Madre City Hall Landscaping Project (drought-tolerant native plants), Sierra Madre Playhouse education program for 5th and 8th grade students (Battle Drum), and the Sierra Madre Public Library’s Children’s Room renovation.
Sponsors events and activities that contribute to the preservation of the quality of life and sense of community that define our town, such as the Mount Wilson Trail Race Kids’ Fun Run and a Summer Concert in the Park.
Serves as the fiduciary agent for other Sierra Madre groups and civic organizations to enable them to promote fund raising for their specific programs and projects. Current and past examples include, but are not limited to, Fletcher Fund (trail maintenance for the Mt. Wilson and Bailey Canyon trails), Fourth of July Committee’s activities, Friends of the Arts, Friends of the Sierra Madre Little League, Memorial Park Cannon renovation, Milton & Harriet Goldberg Park, Sierra Madre School Auditorium renovation, Sierra Madre School Multipurpose Field improvements, and the Veterans Memorial Photo Wall.
Offers individuals, families, and companies the opportunity to make a tax deductible donation to a 501(c)3 organization and designate their intention of how the money should be used to support the Sierra Madre community. Examples include, but are not limited to, Annual Gifts, Legacy Gifts, One Time Gifts, Permanent Endowment, and our Field of Interest Funds, i.e. Civic Improvement, Environment, Learning and the Arts, and the Sierra Madre Public Library.
Our History
The Sierra Madre Community Foundation, established in 2000, serves as a steward for individuals, families, civic organizations and business organizations seeking to maximize their long-term philanthropic impact for the benefit of the Sierra Madre community. The Foundation serves as a resource for building and preserving permanently endowed funds that enhance the welfare of the residents and generally enrich the quality of life in Sierra Madre. To achieve these objectives, the Foundation will seek, accept, administer and disburse funds to appropriate recipients, in accordance with donor wishes to the extent legally possible. Further, the Foundation will serve as a catalyst for collaborative efforts with organizations having similar missions, in response to changing Sierra Madre needs and priorities.
Meet Our Team
Sierra Madre Community Foundation is run by an all-volunteer Board of Directors made up of Sierra Madre residents that represent a wide variety of community groups, interests and activities. There are no paid staff. The Foundation has very low overhead expenses that are primarily directed toward maintaining the portfolio of funds. The Board meets at least four times a year and considers grant applications during these meetings.
Our Board of Directors
Vicky Ryan
Executive Committee Co-Chair, Board Development Committee, Grants Committee
Miles Prince
Executive Committee Co-Chair, Board Development Committee Co-Chair, Parliamentarian
Greg Harman
Executive Committee Treasurer, Finance Committee Chair, Publicity Committee
NIcole Jacquermin
Executive Committee Secretary, Grants Committee
Kelli Artinian
Board Development Committee, Publicity Committee
Laura Hirsh
Whiskey and Wine Committee Co-Chair, Grants Committee
Leslie Lopez
Donor Development Committee Chair, Publicity Committee Co-Chair
Kurt Richter
Donor Development Committee, Publicity Committee
Laura Palmer
Board Development Committee, Grants Committee
Kim Rodriguez
Publicity Committee Co-Chair, Grants Committee
Sue Spears
Grants Committee Chair, Finance Committee
Heather Young
Whiskey and Wine Committee Co-Chair, Grants Committee
We would also like to thank our past Board members for their dedicated service...