Laura Hirsh

I am an Esthetician and small business owner here in Sierra Madre, opening my Spa, Skin Care & Body Work Day Spa, 22 years ago. Since moving to town, I have worked hard to support the community, including hosting several fundraisers, volunteering at community events, and most recently joining the board of the SMCF.  My hope is that by being part of such an amazing organization, I can continue to serve the town I love.

Meet Laura Hirsh (Board Member since 2022)

October 13, 2022

Why do you serve on the board of the SMCF?

It’s important to give back to your community. As a local business owner and resident, I want to do whatever I can to help our town thrive.


Where else do you volunteer?

I help Hand in Paw Rescue. They are an amazing rescue organization that goes above and beyond to help animals in need.


What’s your profession? 

Owner, Esthetician, Doula at Skin Care & Body Work Day Spa 


What attracted you to Sierra Madre?

It’s a quaint town with charm and friendly folks.


How long have you lived in Sierra Madre?

22 years


What’s your favorite aspect of the town?

I love the Mountains. 


What’s your favorite local restaurant and why?  

Wistaria Restaurant. The back patio is a great place to sit and enjoy a glass of wine. 


What’s your favorite local store and why?

I love shopping at Attitude. They always have something cute!!!