Kelli Artinian
As a lifelong resident of Sierra Madre, I am honored to serve on the SMCF board to help preserve what makes our community so special and carry on the legacy of volunteering and love of Sierra Madre my parents instilled in my heart!
Meet Kelli Artinian (Board Member Since 2021)
March 12, 2024
Why do you serve on the board of the SMCF?
To give back to this community. My parents loved Sierra Madre and were very active volunteers, even serving as founding members of the Homeowners Association. My mom was a volunteer for many years at the Art Fair, Wistaria Festival and served on a commission. They instilled their love of the town and giving back in me.
Where else do you volunteer?
I am also currently serving on the board of directors of Bear Lovers of Sierra Madre, which is a grass roots movement to educate and encourage co-existing with our local bears to “keep people safe and bears wild”. I am an honorary Rotary Club member and previously served on the 4th of July Committee.
What’s your profession?
I am a Registered Nurse in Labor and Delivery
What attracted you to Sierra Madre?
Born and raised here!
How long have you lived in Sierra Madre?
59 years and counting! My parents grew up in surrounding communities and decided to raise their own family in Sierra Madre. My grandparents were close, and my cousin moved here and raised her family here as well.
What’s your favorite aspect of the town?
It sounds cliché, but the small town “feel”. I love that I get to know people, shop owners, police and fire departments etc. I have the same best friends I grew up with. I can walk to church or to get coffee with my dog. I can walk to my brother’s house on the other side of town. I can swim in the pool I learned to swim in and go to the same library I used to visit as a child. I have the best hiking trails in my backyard, yet I can be at the beach in less than an hour.
What’s your favorite local restaurant and why?
I love all of our local restaurants and frequent them as much as possible. I give gift cards to them when I can to encourage others to dine and shop here as well. I do end up eating at The Only Place in Town, Poppy Cake Bakery, Wistaria and Tacos Ensenada most frequently though.
What’s your favorite local store and why?
Again, I take the idea of small-town shopping to heart. I will shop here first and can usually find a unique gift at Leonora Moss, Savor the Flavor or even Arnold’s Hardware before I will buy from a big chain store or online.
Anything else to add?
Just grateful for the opportunity to serve on the Sierra Madre Community Foundation and be part of such a dynamic group of people who enjoy giving back as much as I do. I would encourage anyone who might be interested to join us!